Since 1998 our brand promise is an uncommon city Lexperience.

A few years ago, we had created a custom bike tour in Amsterdam; an active team outing for an internationally, worlwide operating company.
This is an example, a case, of a tailor-made cycling tour by us; Lex and the City.
Please come in and enjoy the (virtual) ride.

Custom-made bike tour in Amsterdam - Sustainable team outing for an international operating company guuded and organized by Lex and the City near South Axis in chique urban area - August 2021
Local private bike guide Tijs in front of the English speaking corporate group. (Near the South Axis)

Fietstours op maat in Amsterdam (De Nederlandse versie van deze pagina)

Amsterdam custom made bike tour: from South (Axis) to North (A’DAM tower). 

Highlights of the tailor made sustainable biking experience | 2,5 hours from South to North:


This cycling route through Amsterdam had been made for this corporate group, based on their aims, interests, time and desired waypoints.

About the tailored active team activity: the group, their aim and spirit.

Amsterdam 750 flag on Zeeburgereiland, next to the skate park. Foto by tour creator Lex
The arms of Amsterdam on the flag. Zeeburgereiland, november 2024, by Lex

– An international and young corporate group.

– Perspective they were looking for: new Amsterdam, also piece of 17th century history, architecture, “towers”.

– Theme of the trip: “improve the city’s infrastructure”

– English as tour-language

– Let’s talk about Lex: the private tour guide is a local and speaks English. (And French and German as well; even Dutch ;) )

City bikes delivered and picked up at the desired locations in Amsterdam.

Bikes delivered in Amsterdam for tailor-made group tour with Lex and the City
Bicycles delivered in Amsterdam for a custom-made corporate group tour with Lex and the City. Thank you Amsterdam Bike Rent. (Fokke & Itay)

Links to corresponding “biking & tailored pages” for Amsterdam

Other private bike tours in Amsterdam and it’s countryside.

Tailored Lexperiences in Amsterdam “Tailor made experiences with Lex and the City” (including incentives)

An unexpected custom boat tour, starting from “the windmill of the East (its nickname)


Bra Bridge on IJburg - This is its nickname, you see why? - Amsterdam East - Photo by Lex and the City, november 2024
The Bra Bridge on IJburg Amsterdam East – This is its nickname, you see why? – Photo by Lex and the City


Quote for a tailored bike tour in the unexpected Amsterdam

Ask Lex


On the ferry with your bikes, heading for Amsterdam North and for your dinner location in the A'dam Tower - Tailor-made tour with Lex and the City
On the Ferry with your bike, heading for Amsterdam-North. Cool Lexperience
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