A few years ago, we had created a custom bike tour in Amsterdam; an active team outing for an internationally, worlwide operating company.
This is an example, a case, of a tailor-made cycling tour by us; Lex and the City.
Please come in and enjoy the (virtual) ride.

Fietstours op maat in Amsterdam (De Nederlandse versie van deze pagina)
Amsterdam custom made bike tour: from South (Axis) to North (A’DAM tower).
Highlights of the tailor made sustainable biking experience | 2,5 hours from South to North:
- The corporate group have started at New Amsterdam court house, “NACH”.
- Valley at South Axis (Zuidas): Green AND urban life & work style. (There’s is also a cool spot for a group meetup before. (ask us eventually. Even for a tailor-made tour on ZuidAs, with nice residential building architecture as well and that story of AFC Football club. )
Tailor-made tour on Zuidas, with nice residential building architecture – South Axis – Photo by private guide Lex in 2025 - The New York style tower biking experience” in the Gustav Mahlerlaan.
- Amsterdam School housing
Our unexpected postcard from 2024. “Lexpressing” tailored & off the beaten path tours in the capital of the Netherlands. Click on the postcard to check a review about a tailored biking tour with us. - The Olympic Stadium and the transformation of the area the last 15 years.
Custom cycling tour group rolling underneath Rijksmuseum Vondelpark: relax and see & be seen.
- Exploring the so-called bikestreet experience: a new Dutch concept where bikers rule cars. (Marnixstraat)
- Having a drink on the go, next to Anne Frank House
- Canal hopping on your bike, including another tower. (and this time it is from the 17th century.)
- Become child again in the bike tunnel beneath Central Station and on the ferry. One of those hidden gems in the capital.
- Discovering a bit of North: the hip and happening area around A’dam Tower. Including EYE and Shell.
- And our driver (chk picture beneath) was ready to pick up the bikes in front of the group’s restaurant. (Another aspect of the Custom-made bike tour in Amsterdam.)
This cycling route through Amsterdam had been made for this corporate group, based on their aims, interests, time and desired waypoints.
About the tailored active team activity: the group, their aim and spirit.

– An international and young corporate group.
– Perspective they were looking for: new Amsterdam, also piece of 17th century history, architecture, “towers”.
– Theme of the trip: “improve the city’s infrastructure”
– English as tour-language
– Let’s talk about Lex: the private tour guide is a local and speaks English. (And French and German as well; even Dutch ;) )
City bikes delivered and picked up at the desired locations in Amsterdam.

Links to corresponding “biking & tailored pages” for Amsterdam
Other private bike tours in Amsterdam and it’s countryside.
Tailored Lexperiences in Amsterdam “Tailor made experiences with Lex and the City” (including incentives)
An unexpected custom boat tour, starting from “the windmill of the East (its nickname)

Quote for a tailored bike tour in the unexpected Amsterdam
Ask Lex