Since 1998

This page contains microblogs about the hidden gems of Amsterdam.
Specifically: in the Eastern part of the city.
The off the record things for groups.

Hidden Gems Guide Lex van Buuren has a mission in Amsterdam. Promoting physical movement with bikes, footbikes, skates and by foot.
Lex van Buuren on his bike scanning for hidden gems in Amsterdam East. :)

Pictures, moments, thoughts, micro stories of the storyteller (tour guide and online content marketer) of Amsterdam East.
Looking for the hidden gems of the city.
Enjoy. :)

Hidden Gem Update micro blog update in July 2019:

I am currently putting the many micro posts about hidden gems in Amsterdam and especially in the Eastern part of the capital, on my LinkedIn page.
So why not having a look over there? LinkedIn Lex and the City; the hidden gem city guide.


Want to “Lexplore” the secrets of East Amsterdam offline?

Contact private local guide in Amsterdam Lex and the City: +31655337726 * [email protected] |

We are Lexy and we know it.


Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram


“Lexploring” Amsterdam East for tailormade 1 hour bike tours for hotels here in Amsterdam East. Walks and bike tours in the neighbourhood of the hotels 😊 #exploreamsterdam #privateguidedtours #iamsterdam #tourguideamsterdam #hiddengemsamsterdam #amsterdamhotel #hiddenamsterdam #amsterdameast #hiddengemsguide #biketoursamsterdam

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