Since 1998 our brand promise is an uncommon city Lexperience.

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Skate and Sailboat Holland HolidayWe ask you to be in the harbour of Enkhhuizen on monday at 12.00 o’clock for this sail and inline skate trip.  There you’ll board the sailing ship, meet the crew and your fellow passengers, and then you take off to inline skate across the bank to Medemblik (a skatetour of about 26 km)

Meanwhile, your ship sails to meet you in Medemblik.
In the evening you enjoy a convivial evening on board.

After spending the first night on board, you sail across the Frisian Sea to the Island of Texel.
In the afternoon, you make a circuit inline skatetour of the island on skates (40 km).
In the evening you are free to have a look around one of Texel’s villages.

Make new friendsFrom the harbour at Oudeschild you sail to Den Oever, where you can choose to go on a inline skating trip across the sea-dam to Makkum (about 40 km). If you prefer to sail, you can stay on board the ship for a voyage to Makkum. You spend the night here in the pleasant harbour.

The next day you inline skate along part of the route of the famous Elfstedentocht, the Eleven Towns race. You will skate from Makkum via Stavoren to Heeg (about 50 km).
If the weather is bad, we will stay in Stavoren. There you can participate in an inline skating workshop for advanced skaters.

Improve your techniqueThe last day, you can participate in an optional ‘early-bird inline skating tour’.
From Stavoren you sail back across the IJsselmeer to Enkhuizen. Enjoy the fresh wind while you still can, because before you know it you are mooring once more in the harbour at Enkhuizen, and it is time to disembark.
(The Friday Night Skate Amsterdam could be your tasty skate dessert.)

Every day it’s up to you whether you go with us on the inline skatetours or you stay on the ship.


How to get in the harbour on monday (Easy does it)

Klaus from Dortmund, Germany, writes us after Skate-A-Round Best of Holland:

Hallo Lex & crew,
It was a wonderful and great tour through best of holland.
I enjoyed the time on board and the time on skates.
Thank you, Klaus

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