Since 1998 our brand promise is an uncommon city Lexperience.

As I expect foreign DMC’s, private groups, companies, tour operators and event agencies to ask me even more about the new entertainment tax, I have decided to put the information letter I got from the Amsterdam local government on my website.

So you know all and the official way.

Be aware that foreign DMC’s, tour operators and event agencies who hire a local guide like me should pay for the entertainment tax; not the Amsterdam private guide him | herself.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Entertainment tax for guiding services in Amsterdam – Lex and the City informes foreign DMC touroperators agencies”]


Lex van Buuren van Lex and the City - Verhalenverteller Amsterdam Oost - visitekaartje
Do you have a question? Mail or call me. (And by pressing this business card, you go to the private local guide amsterdam page.)
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