Since 1998 our brand promise is an uncommon city Lexperience.

The historic center of trade and industry in Amsterdam is called the Eastern Islands. (Oostelijke Eilanden) And the Czaar Peter Neighbourhood (Czaar Peter kwartier) is covering those same Islands, and moreover includes Czaar Peterstraat and that great mill. Let us take you on a private tour in this maritime area. By bike, on foot, on inline skates or on foot. In German, French, English and, of course we also offer the “Lexperience” in Dutch. We finish this page with a blogpost of the local event in this area of September 21, 2024.

It used to be 's Lands Zeemagazijn, serving as the storage facility for ship supplies and weapons. Now it is the Maritime Museum - Amsterdam
It used to be ‘s Lands Zeemagazijn Now it is the Maritime Museum – Kattenburg – Amsterdam. Picture by Lex on Sep 21, 2024

This page is not yet finished. But we are ready for your group request. 

By the way: the Eastern Islands private experience is covered on this page, and this is the link to the tour of the Amsterdam Eastern Docklands. (“Oostelijk Havengebied” in Dutch ) Reason: Those two are mixed up a lot.


Discovering Warehouse Oostenburg during that Lex and the City private tour in Amsterdam
Discovering Warehouse Oostenburg during that Lex and the City private tour in Amsterdam


Highlights top-10 of the private guided tour of the Eastern Islands and the Czaar Peter Neighbourhood. Maritime & industrial heritage.

Discovering “Oostelijke Eilanden” during that Lex and the City private tour guided tour of the Eastern Islands. (Yes, in Amsterdam). “Slightly different” from what you might be used to in Amsterdam.

It depends on the means of transport and your preferences how much we can- and will- cover during your private tour in this historic center of trade and industry in Amsterdam.

  1. Maritime Museum
  2. Marineterrein
  3. Oosterkerk
  4. VOC treasures (Lijnbaan, Werkspoor)
  5. Warehouse Oostenburg
    Van Gendt Halls in progress - 2024 - Photo by Lex and the City
    Van Gendt Hallen in progress – Oostenburg – September 2024 – Photo by Lex and the City


  6. van Gendt Halls (Oostenburg, being the waterrich district.)
  7. Work rail hall (Werkspoorhal in Dutch)
  8. The timeline of the Eastern Islands (Oostelijke Eilanden) Very cool. Picture beneath. ⇓
  9. Czaar Peterstraat (Czaar Peter street)
  10. Windmill of the East and brewery (with tasting room) ‘t IJ
Timeline of the Eastern Islands in Amsterdam - During a Lex and the City private tour
Timeline of the Eastern Islands in Amsterdam (on Oostenburg). We like it and we want to show it to your group. ;)

The “
Oostelijke Eilanden” (Easterns Islands) history briefly described here. 

Some insights before that private guided tour of Czaar Peter Neighbourhood and Eastern Islands of Amsterdam:

Discovering Kattenburgplein during that Lex and the City private tour in Amsterdam
Discovering Kattenburgplein, Kattenburg Eastern Island


The Eastern Islands (Oostelijke Eilanden) consist of Kattenburg, Wittenburg and Oostenburg. They were created in the so-called “Golden Age”; the 17th century. The island of Kattenburg was created mostly for the admiralty. That part consisted especially of water. Warships for protection of VOC and others were built over there. Nowadays it has been transmitted into the Marineterrein. Kattenburg is place of the Maritime Museum as well. (since 1972)
Wittenburg, known for it’s Oosterkerk, was meant for private ships.

Oostenburg became the spot for Dutch East India Company. (VOC.) We, Lex and the City, consider this part of the Eastern Islands, together with the Marine-terrein, as the most inspiring and interesting part to show you.
Oostenburg will feature a nice mix of sustainable rental housing, owner-occupied flats, self-built houses, leisure spots, restaurants and businesses.

Local private guide Lex in the Czaar Peter Neighbourhood 2024 in Amsterdam
Lex blogging from Oostenburg, one of the Eastern Islands, Sep 21, 2024


Please take your time for this unexpected and unusual tour in Amsterdam

What we mean by this heading? Look at a chat with a secretary of a large organization in Amsterdam:
Your current schedule is too tight. I say based on what I see.
If you have an appointment together at 15:45 to walk to the meeting point, chances are that at least 1 person will be later.
Besides, it’s a 18-minute walk without stopping for a moment.
Also, an arrival at 5pm is just barely ‘starting the walk at 5pm’ anyway.

My question is to create some more space. At the front or at the back (end).
Otherwise the walk will be shorter than 2 hours. Especially also because you talk about ‘no later than 6pm’. That would be a shame, wouldn’t it?

Starting and finishing in front of xxxx seems practical to me for your group (see picture).

Would love your feedback.

Frank's Smoke House on the Eastern Islands in Amsterdam - In the Czaar Peter Quarter
Fish, fish, fish….(Wittenburgergracht)

Pricing of that guided private tour of the Oostelijke Eilanden and the Czaar Peter Kwartier in Amsterdam.

Rates of Lex and the City unusual private tours in the unexpected Amsterdam

Sportive guide and storyteller in Amsterdam and in Paris; that is Lex and the City. Looking for hidden gems in the city.
This is that Lex and the City smiley.

Reviews of uncommon private Lex and the City tours 

“Tour de Czaar” & Open house of van Gendt halls on Oostenburg, the Eastern Islands in  the Czaar Peter Neighbourhood on Sep. 21, 2024

Lex and the City blogpost

Question of a blogging friend: Was it worth it? Me, Lex: More than! (And I haven’t even finished.) One has to do with the other. ;)


Great kick-off of Tour de Czaar on Kattenburgerplein Amsterdam Eastern Islands September 21, 2024
Great kick-off of Tour de Czaar on Kattenburgerplein Amsterdam Eastern Islands September 21, 2024


The pro's of van Gendt halls during a local event - 21 September 2024
Passion of one of the local movers and shakers in the van Gent Hallen.


Explanation of van gendt halls by one of the move and shakers - by Titius - 21 Sep 2024
Explanation of van Gendt halls by one of the move and shakers – Titius – This has been a local Event on 21 Sep 2024.


Van Gendt halls on the Eastern Islands Amsterdam in full progress - 21 September 2024
Van Gendt halls on the Eastern Islands Amsterdam in full progress – Local day event 21 September 2024



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Een bericht gedeeld door Lexperience (@amsterdam_lexperience)


More information about the Eastern Islands and more unusual Amsterdam with Lex and the City

Stork - Part of Oostenburg Eastern Island history - In this wetland district.
Stork – Part of Oostenburg Eastern Island history – In this wetland district.
Image by Lex and the City private tour guides. September 2024


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