We have set ourselves the goal of further expanding the number and quality of unusual guided tours & experiences while touring in Amsterdam.
Both different sites as well as alternative means of moving in the city. Including checking out that new Amsterdam, full of architecture!
In our communication online we do that as well, and of course as local guides and organizers of so-called unexpected Lexperiences.
We have even made to the National Geographic. (free publicity)
We also use uncommon and active means to explore the city. Such as the footbike (also known as a scooter) and inline skates. (We also go touring by bike with groups; in combination with unusual corners of the Dutch capital.)
Unknown makes unloved and that is why we promote the other and sometimes unique Amsterdam. Unusual Amsterdam tours contain hidden gems and a different way of getting around the city.

Top 10 of unusual guided Amsterdam tours (At least ours)
Top-10 lists with the highlights of Amsterdam can be found in many places. Now an alternative top 10 follows: that of the atypical Amsterdam for corporate purposes or leisure groups: ⇓

- Tour of the Eastern Docklands; a surprising area, where the water is always nearby. This eastern port area (literally translated from Dutch) is full of architecture, watersides, converted warehouses, space and…. nicknames!
- Footbiking, also for corporate groups visiting tempting Amsterdam. (You want the link? Clink on the footbike Amsterdam picture here above. ⇑)
- The Marine terrain on Kattenburg, core of our sustainable private bike tour.
The Eastern Docklands with it’s self-building housing project. People could choose their own design. - The guided course tour. A private and active city experience with stops to communicate an item of your workshop.
- Unusual, sometimes even unique attractions, sights, restaurants, café’s, while touring in “Mokum”, nickname of Amsterdam. Like on the Eastern Islands in Amsterdam Central-East. We can start that unusual Amsterdam bike tour on the edge of this place full of maritime history in the bike rental of the Czaar Peterstraat.
That cool timeline of the history of the Eastern Islands – Oostenburg. (With Lex’ footbike) - The NDSM-wharf, hip and happening and accessible wit a free ferry. It is in Amsterdam North and this the place where we guide pretty much since about 3 years.
The raw and recycled side of the NDSM Wharf with the Trammeland trams and the Crane Hotel. - Inline skating in the city (including mini workshops) It is the root of what we are now. This is how we have started “differently” in August 1998. Get yourself inspired on our Youtube channel @unusualamsterdam.
- De Indische Buurt (Indian neighborhood) Amsterdam East in general in fact is a Lex and the City unusual specialty since 5-6 years.
- A guided football tour in Betondorp and Park de Meer, Amsterdam East (including famous Johan Cruijff items)
- One hour tours in Amsterdam East for busy business travelers, for example a small bike tour on that attractive Jetty Island (on the archipelago IJburg, East Amsterdam.) One hour bike tours are pretty unusual, so it is not a surprise we do offer that experience here.
Unique and even binding view (together!) over tempting Amsterdam

For your special interest tour: The West India House with café New Amsterdam. It is the place where, what is now New York, was created on the drawing board by the Dutch.

An additional unusual Amsterdam experience in the heat of the summer of 22: bike & swim
An example of a Lex and the City cycling route in the unusual Amsterdam (one way). Along non-touristy places. ⇓

That different Amsterdam by bike with Lex and the City, starting in the Indian quarter and via the trendy Czaar Peterstraat, the Eastern Docklands, and (view of) the Marine terrain and then towards North.
There we explore the Overhoeks district together with the A’DAM tower and the EYE film museum, then two different types of garden villages in Amsterdam-North, then the triggering sustainability projects of Buiksloterham and finally the still quite rough NDSM Wharf. Then take the ferry to the Pontsteiger. Cool one way bicycle track of almost 20 km.
Spring: Flower bulb fields tour above Amsterdam
Are you looking for an unusual flower bulb tour above Amsterdam?
Or you just want to check out some beautiful pictures of tulip fields and other flowers in North-Holland from the bulb supplier? Thank you Pennings from Breezand for the photos.
Well..just click the picture here. (and contact Lex and the City.)

Free publicity for our unusual tours in Amsterdam East in the National Geographic

March 2019 Lex and the City had a large article (3 pages) about that unusual tour Amsterdam of Lex and the City in the Indonesian Neighborhood | East Amsterdam in a well-known magazine that is distributed throughout Amsterdam.
And more recent, December 2022: covered in National Geographic as the local expert for Amsterdam East:

Is an attractive unusual tour the same for everyone?
We can take you to loads of places. After all, that is the reason you have found Lex and the City. I hit the streets everyday looking for new stuff. It is the nature of the beast.
However…. if your group members have little or no previous experience in Amsterdam, they probably would like to be welcomed with triggers they think about when thinking about Amsterdam. As we say at Lex and the City: “People first want to be confirmed, before being surprised”. ;)
The off-the-beaten-path output will come from me showing you hidden gems in the well-known part of our great town. And our out of the box approach.

Who’s the creator of those triggering experiences in Amsterdam? Get a picture of the local private guide

About that out of the box local private tour guide Amsterdam: press on the picture.
(I focus on the unusual Amsterdam; I even live in it.)
Lex and the City also choices to work with people, companies and other organizations with the same spirit. I will know give you an example of what I had written on of our bike suppliers: (Lexample in our case.)
I did a tour last week on ZuidAs and yes…I bumped into your store. It is a good reason to work with you guys. You make different choices. Looking at our postcard we do the same.
Hidden gem in that other Amsterdam: Western Islands
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(Mini Blog, February 2024) Just finished my first private unusual 3H bike tour in French here of the season. I got the feeling I also had the 1st 3-4 weeks on the Université de Savoie in Chambéry: slight headache of talking, tired and happy at the same time. :) Yes 1st timer in French of the season means going out of the comfortzone. I start my day with my own playlist of favorite French dance hits on Spotify. (And I actually sing (and dance) before the tour! :p )
“The unusual” is now a storyteller online as well for hotels in Amsterdam-East and in “Noord”.
- Storyteller of Amsterdam East for locally based hotels (en restaurants) Lex and the City helps local hotels describe the fun unusual highlights around their spot.
- Helping hotels in Amsterdam-North with presenting the area around their accommodation loud & clear. (and Lexy)
Links to other unusual content of the storyteller
“if you focus on the known, you get the known. If you focus on the unknown, you create a possibility.”
― dr. Joe Dispenza