Since 1998 our brand promise is an uncommon city Lexperience.
Lex and the City Pet - The unusual - Ongebruikelijke leX-factor in die verleidelijke stad.
that Lex and the City smiley (I am talking about the hat.;))
  1. For 2025 I wish the world more (male) intuition. I think in a world with less (perceived) security and new colleagues called AI agents, we need it badly. Intuition is gearing us up for finding security in the unknown. Starting in 2025. (This thought popped up within me after my after-X-mas-2024 meditation.)
  2. All that you want, wants you. So focus on what you want. (instead of what you don’t want.)

  3. People (and organizations) just adore to be seduced. (by you for example.)


  4. Doing your best is not enough. (Neither is working hard.) Get into Alpha every single day for an hour. And become creative that way.
  5. Laura Silva: “The path to healing is not about learning something new, but unlearning the belief patterns that make you sick.”
  6. Trust! That the universe has a reason that something has (just) happened. And: trust your unconscious mind. (Yes, you DID close your front-door correct! ;))

  7. What you believe is what you get.

  8. Amsterdam 750 flag on Zeeburgereiland, next to the skate park. Foto by tour creator LexBe of help everyday by living- and acting upon- your mission. However keep in mind you are the most important person in the world. (for you)

  9. Make sure customers come to you.( And stop begging anyway; if you did.)

  10. Start thinking with needs in your mind. Your own and those of the groups around you, including your customers. Innovate, create from that basis.

  11. Use the time your brain is still partly in Alpha for actions outside your system. (You will answer those emails anyway.) Thank you, dr. Joe Dispenza.

  12. Do not be so efficient. (However be effective in the 1st (place.)

  13. Don’t try to change others; change yourself.

  14. Start having fun with your own brain. (That one I got from the Tony Robbins workshops. Thank you sir & team for all.)
  15. Check my 14th belief here
    the bike skate road from Amsterdam East to Vondelpark. Go-go-go.
    That cool bike road from Amsterdam East to VondelparkIf your subconscious is running tricky, focus on your consciousness.


  16. The past should just be wisdom. (If not, act upon it.) Thank you dr. Joe. The past does not equal the future. Thank you Tony Robbins.

  17. You cannot deprive people of your great gift.
  18. Create access to excess.
  19. The greatest belief you’ll ever have is your belief in yourself – and that unlimited field of possibilities. (Thank you for this one, dr. Joe Dispenza.)

  20. Anchor yourself to success. (Tx Tony.)

  21. Present the world at its best to yourself.

  22. Believe it. What? What you want to believe. Believing is way more effective than hoping.

  23. Online marketeers responsible for affiliate marketing on the side of the advertiser,  should have in depth knowledge about brands and branding. If they are to the contrary, fixed on clicks, they should rechunck their focus.(That is what I think.) For example, on this Lexperience page a affiliate link to your product or service is worth more than just click in return.

  24. You don’t HAVE self confidence; you create it. (And then you have it.)


  25. I would rather meditate 2 hours a day and only sleep 6 hours, than sleep 8 hours without meditating. You want to know why? Simply ask me and I answer you tailor made.
  26. Show what you do. (For example in tailor made quotation pathways with loads of added value. (and time consuming work.)
  27. Remember your future.
  28. I like expats (even more) who care about learning our language.
  29. Turn things around by enjoying the process.


During Friday Night Skate Amsterdam Lex van Buuren skate teacher shows scissors. Photo by tour leader Joep Henselmans
Inline skating in Amsterdam is skating in a real skate city. (And it has loads of advantages.). Here you see Lex during the Friday Night Skate. (2024)


a LEX-talk

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